5.0 out of 5 stars A wonderful Christian fantasy, action/adventure, thriller romance, April 10, 2014
David Bergsland (Mankato, MN USA) – See all my reviews
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This review is from: Seal of the King (Kindle Edition)
This book has a great hero and spectacular heroine join from connected worlds to fall in love while they save the worlds. How can you beat that? This first book is the start. I hope the rest of the series measures up.

They’re strong, genuine believer warriors! They’re moral, righteous, loving, faithful servants of the King.

It just keeps getting better—the plot not so much. The general plot is commonplace, but the details and the execution certainly are not. The characters are exceptional. The relationships are wonderful, inspiring. David and Aurora have an amazing, complex, deeply intense relationship between two outstanding people. It will get a little strongly erotic for some, but the boundaries of sin are never crossed although this reader experienced some pangs of peeping tomism—and that is not good. It makes me say that I’m not sure I’d give the book to a young teen. But then, I certainly hope they would manage their relationships like David and Aurora do.

Strong good, powerful evil is conquered by faith, obedience, and trust in a Lord who loves. The trials and temptations are immense. This is not perfected Christian doctrine, but it works. I’ll leave the quibbling to others. This one was just fun. I enjoyed it so much I’m still rereading parts because it’s hard to let them go.