Top.bmpTell us about yourself and how many books you have written. This is my first book. I was born in 1964, and grew up in Northport, NY. I’ll never forget those days when we would walk to school, ride bikes to the beach, play stick ball in the street, and hang out under the street lights until well past dark. Life was simpler then and I learned something really important (although it took me many years to understand it). Every day of your life is what you make of it. I’ve had my share of good and bad days. No matter what we face in life, how we face it is just as important as the outcome. I like the current phrase “Be Present”, but I would take it one step further. Make the most out of every moment, so that if anyone is your last you can look back in pride at not having wasted it. How we touch the lives of those around us is far more important than what we’ve accomplished. I have been blessed with a wonderful wife and three sons who fill my life with purpose every day. Having traveled around the world for work (more places than some and a lot less than others) I have been blessed with friends all over the globe. I only hope that in some small way I have touched their lives as much as they have touched mine. I found my faith late in life. For a long time I didn’t believe. Then one day, I knew without a doubt that God existed. I knew that he was working in my life in ways I can’t always see, but that he was there. How I knew is one of the things I can’t put into words. It would be like trying to explain how I use the muscles in my hand. It is something that is beyond words. Onto the topic at hand, writing. My sincerest thanks to anyone who reads my work. Writing is my passion, it always has been. My college professor Judith Johnson wrote a poem, “the gift”. what have i got for you? only what i am, and you are not. More than thirty years later her words still resonate and inspire me.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it? Seal of the King is the result of a few different ideas I had come up with over the years. I had decided I wanted to write a fantasy story that had a compelling love story as part of it. Then the idea of pulling these other elements into it helped it all fall into place.

Do you have any unusual writing habits? I tend to write late at night mostly when everyone else is asleep so I can unwind. I see the story play out in my mind as if watching a movie so I often go back to the beginning to re-read it and get the thread and check for continuity.

What authors, or books have influenced you? There are a number of authors I really like, but most recently I read all the Harry Potter and Sword of Truth series. JK Rowling did such a masterful job of bringing the characters to life and created an emotional connection to them that every challenge they faced felt so real and compelling. Terry Goodkind also did a fantastic job with his characters and I really enjoyed the relationship between Richard and Kahlan. I particularly liked the fact that we didn’t have to suffer through the will she won’t she, will he won’t he angst. There are plenty of other ways to create meaningful conflict for your hero and heroine.

What are you working on now? I am currently working on the sequel Seal of the King into the Heart of Darkness.

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books? In my experience so far I have found a lot of success through all the social media channels and independent book sites. But it requires dedication and consistency. You have to work on it every day.

Do you have any advice for new authors?You make your own destiny. It doesn’t matter if you self publish or publish through a publishing house. You have to get out there to get the word out.

What is the best advice you have ever heard? Your goal needs to be getting people to read your book, not making money. If you can get people to read it and it is good then it will sell.

What are you reading now? I just finished reading a draft manuscript for an author friend of mine so I am focusing now on wrapping up my next book

What’s next for you as a writer? As soon as I have the draft of my next book complete I have another book to finish while it is being edited.

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring? Books 1, 2 and 7 of the Harry potter series, The wizards First Rule and probably a book on how to survive on a dessert island.


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